
Let’s Keep this Conversation Going!

More stories, please

We’re looking to feature more stories. What’s your story? Do you know someone that would be interested to be featured in Auntyland? We would love to share your story with our audience.

Jobs & Internships

We are interested to hire part-time tech and event consultants to assist with seasonal online events for #RealAuntiesDay and #WomensHistoryMonth. Contract basis. Virtual and New York City.

Editor, Writer, Research, Social Media Specialists – We hire freelancers on an ongoing basis for a variety of projects.

College/University Internships – We offer ongoing internships to full-time matriculated students at universities or colleges. Send a note if interested in Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer Internships.

Partnerships & Sponsors

We are a community-based volunteer organization. We are interested to collaborate with partners and sponsors to find synergy with our mission and support our vibrant multicultural activities.

Contact Us

    Re-subscribe to the newletter

    We need to re-build our mail list. The original mail list was inadvertently purged. So if you had signed up before July 2021, please sign up again. Thank you.

    Please complete and submit this Contact form or send a note to: